Welcome to Sunny Day Care

Sunny Day Care双语家庭幼儿园位于Sunnyvale和Mountain View交接处, 紧挨82,靠近101, 237, 85, 280等高速,交通便利,离硅谷各大公司都很近。
Sunny Day Care is a bilingual family child daycare. It is located on the border of Sunnyvale and Mountain View. Sunny Day Care is close to highway 82/101/237/85/280. Nestled close to Silicon Valley’s main companies.

特点 Features:

--   英语/中文双语环境  English/Chinese bilingual
environment (Owners are Chinese
wife / American husband)

--  幼教专家, 经验丰富  Supported by Early Childhood
Education experts

--  教师极具爱心  Caring experienced teachers

--  活动丰富多彩  Creative activities

--  音乐, 魔术, 多元艺术 Magic shows, music, and art

--  环境整洁, 宽敞明亮  Spacious and clean environment


Sunny Day Care致力于让每个孩子快乐健康的成长,每一位家长的希望就是我们的希望。愿每一位小朋友的每一天都阳光灿烂!

Our goal is to facilitate children’s growth in health and happiness. Together we will make everyday a sunny day!